This collection contains data gathered from researchers associated to the Monteverde area who have analized the relationship and impact, climate change has had on the Monteverde cloud forest.
Click on the name of the article to access it. Use Ctrl+f to do a search. If not avaliable online, a physical print can be lent at the Monteverde Institutes library.
Experimental evidence of climate change extinction risk in Neotropical montane epiphytes
Emily C. Hollenbeck & Dov F. Sax – 2024
Impact of land use on Costa Rican tropical montane cloud forests: Sensitivity of orographic cloud formation to deforestation in the plains
Ray, et. al. 2006
Biogeography of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Part I: Remote Sensing of Cloud-Base Heights
Welch et. al. 2008
Dry season clouds and rainfall in northern Central America: Implications for the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
Deepak K. Ray, Ronald M. Welch, Robert O. Lawton,  Udaysankar S. Nair. 2006.
Print version available at the institute
A method for quantifying cloud immersion in a tropical mountain forest using time-lapse photography
Bassiouni et al.
Print version available at the institute