Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam orci leo, malesuada eget turpis ac, blandit efficitur risus. Sed dignissim ac enim posuere dictum. Maecenas congue congue nibh eget consectetur. Vestibulum nec viverra eros. Nulla eget interdum est. Nunc mollis dolor velit, id auctor lectus luctus sed. 

Monteverde: Ecology and Conser cology and Conservation of a T ation of a Tropical Cloud F opical Cloud Forest

Nalini M. Nadkarni
Nathaniel T. Wheelwright

Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. “Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest”, edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000 and Bowdoin’s Scholar’s Bookshelf. Book 1 ), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologist and local residents, presenting in a single volume everything known in 2000 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it. The new short chapters written in 2014 by original contributors, and presented here update and expand that knowledge through 2014.

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Monteverde: ecología y conservación de un bosque nuboso tropical

Nalini M. Nadkarni
Nathaniel T. Wheelwright

Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest

La Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde ha capturado la atención mundial de biólogos, conservacionistas y ecólogos y allí se han hecho vastas investigaciones durante los últimos 40 años. Unos 40.000 ecoturistas visitan el Bosque Nuboso cada año y se considera el bosque lluvioso arquetípico de las altitudes altas. Este libro, una traducción actualizada de "Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest", editado por Nalini Nadkarni y Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000) presenta capítulos sintéticos y recuentos específicos escritos por más de 100 biólogos y residentes locales. En un solo volumen documenta todo lo que se sabe en 2014 de la diversidad biológica de Monteverde, Costa Rica, y cómo protegerla.

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Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest - 2014 Updated Chapters

Nalini M. Nadkarni
Nathaniel T. Wheelwright

Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. “Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest”, edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000 and Bowdoin’s Scholar’s Bookshelf. Book 1 ), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologist and local residents, presenting in a single volume everything known in 2000 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it. The new short chapters written in 2014 by original contributors, and presented here update and expand that knowledge through 2014.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam orci leo, malesuada eget turpis ac, blandit efficitur risus. Sed dignissim ac enim posuere dictum. Maecenas congue congue nibh eget consectetur. Vestibulum nec viverra eros. Nulla eget interdum est. Nunc mollis dolor velit, id auctor lectus luctus sed. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam orci leo, malesuada eget turpis ac, blandit efficitur risus. Sed dignissim ac enim posuere dictum. Maecenas congue congue nibh eget consectetur. Vestibulum nec viverra eros. Nulla eget interdum est. Nunc mollis dolor velit, id auctor lectus luctus sed. 

Board of Directors

Vocal 1
Vocal 2
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Pedro Belmar
Celia Harvey
Maikol Cruz
Hazel Guindon
Elena Florian
Dinia Santamaría
Eugenio Vargas
Silvia Elizondo
Alexa Stickel

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Fundraising Campaigns of the Monteverde Institute

Our priority is continuing to build programs that benefit both our visiting students and our local community.

Alliance for the



Board of Directors, Alliance for the Monteverde Institute

The Alliance for the Monteverde Institute is a 501c3 public charity that provides financial & other support to the initiatives of the Monteverde Institute.



Restoring employment, food security, and forests 

Given the severe impact of COVID-19 on Monteverde, Costa Rica, a town whose economy relies almost solely on tourism, the community is eager to embrace new forms of sustainability—and you can fund these projects while providing income to people who have lost their jobs during this challenging time. Learn more on the following link: